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SAHM of 3 wonderful kids, one brilliant one Asperger Syndrome. This is not a living shrine to his disorder, but rather a place to share & discuss the different challenges that came with it and other things about parenting & life in general.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Giving Credit where Credit is Due

Like most parents, I find myself repeating things to my son. I get frustrated, stressed, and sometimes I feel like he is doing this to me on purpose.  And I know he's not.
Then I thought about the things I don't have to do compared to what I had to a few years ago, I realized that he has made a lot of progress.  But I don't give him credit for all the things he does on his own.
There are things that I don't have to remind him anymore.  He remembers to go to school, take his things, remembers to do his homework, walk the dog, get home on time, and text me if something comes up. He tries to keep eye contact and tries to be more aware of his surroundings. He even goes to his therapy on his own and make his own appointments and actually remembers to go.

I should give him credit for what he has accomplished and I should thank him, but I don't.  
Maybe I will today. I just hope it doesn't go to his head.

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